Feb 24, 2004 07:46
god. needed a ride into work this morning. the buses and my morning were not cooperating. last night I tried to go to bed early. there's someone coming over to look at the electricity outside and possibly within my room today. so what does my dad do? he vacuums the house I am I trying to go to sleep! specifically the area RIGHT ABOVE MY HEAD repeatedly! hells yeah!!!! it's almost 1 am and there's a painfully loud whhrrRRRRhhrrrrRRRRR over my head. I can't hear the sound coming out of the speaker a foot from my head. ugh. I WAS going to go run some errands and shop today after getting off at noon, as today is payday, and there's my Express bill which needs a payin at the mall. right now, in all honesty, all I feel like doing is going home, beating off, and going to bed. sorry if that's too graphic for any of you, but I'm too tired to html out 2 little words with an lj-cut. now then, my groggy ass is gonna read the news and pray for a fast moving, and low call volume, 4 hour stretch.