Feb 16, 2004 07:35
oh god. so weekend with bf was ok for the most part. he's getting sick. :( started feeling bad saturday evening with a sore throat and things. worst part is saturday morning/afternoon I was ill with stomach cramping and was making frequent trips to the bathroom in case it decided to do more than cramp. yuck. I left work about 1:30 due to the pain and yuckiness. I really don't want to be here now. feel a little like I did saturday. oh well. lord knows I need to have a job, and well, finding one where I could make halfway decent money is nigh impossible it would seem. just gonna have to roll with the punches. I would REALLY like more than one day a week off. this is really starting to piss me off. *sighs* so we played some FFCC firday and saturday nights. even marcus said a little of the magic was gone with us being able to understand it now. oh well. gameplay is still the same, and that is all that really matters. overall, the weekend was about normal.
so sunday night we drop marcus off at home. my brother wants FFCC, as he is going to a friends house, and wants a copy of his own. Target was closed, so we went to Wal-Mart. they haven't got GBA to GC connection cables, but lucky for him, Wal-Mart, who seems to have made deals with the devil, being a "discount store" has a pack together of the game and a cable. I grab a GBA player off the rack, saving 3 whole cents vs their competition. WOOO! idly looking at it and not really paying attention, I notice the manual inside the little disc case is in japanese. figuring they must have just made it bi-lingual or something when it came out in japan, they didn't translate the manual. we get out to the car where I learn how wrong I was. someone had slashed down the side of the plastic, completely removing the right side's seal. I didn't notice until I was trying to open it of course. I pull the manual out; it's entirely in japanese. I look at the disc, and it says "for use in Japan only." oh boy, this is fucked up! so I get it home, pop it in, and as I suspected, it doesn't play. some dumbass must have bought the import version of the GBA player, and not reading the fine print, found out that they couldn't use it in an american system. (were I them, I'd just have taken the boot disc rather than going to the trouble of swapping the japanese for the american....) so I take my action replay disc, which lets me play any region GC game on my system, swap it all and the thing boots up! being the dork that I am, I cannot help but giggle that all the menus are in katakana, and find it just plain cool that I have a japanese GBA player.
FFXI update: as if that last paragraph wasn't geeky enough for you, there's even more. saturday when I came home sick from work, I lay with marcus a little while (he was still asleep when I came in) and sat down for some FFXI eventually. someone was awesome enough to invite me into their party so I could have the final rare item I needed for my Sub Job Quest, as they had already completed. it was way kickass. saved me a lot of trouble. worked hard that night to gain the XP neccessary to hit level 18, and purchased my Sub Job ability. kickass! Sunday, I gained a total of 5 levels in Monk, jumping from level 4 to 9. unsure if I will stick with Monk, or go back to Warrior. we shall see.....