(no subject)

Feb 06, 2004 07:32

*yawns* I'm sleepy. big surprise eh? the queue is once again here to stay it would say. I hate not being able to so much as breathe inbetween calls. it makes your job a lot more difficult as after about 5 or 6 hours you're constantly clearing your throat to be able to talk. while we have what is called "wrap time" where you have the chance to finish your call logging after a call, it is hardly sufficient, and due to random monitering, I doubt one could sit with just nothing on scren for a minute or 3. bleccchh. at least I am going home today at my normal time. for tonight's itenerary, I think it shall be collect marcus, followed by a cuddle/movie time, wherein I will likely fall asleep and rest, followed by the other things one can do with their bf, eventually ending in bedtime. :)

I am beginning to wonder if I am starting to get stress headaches, as more and more often my head is ringing whether or not I am staring at a screen. I barely turn my tv on right now unless I am sitting across the room from it, and the headaches attack continues for long after staring at a moniter, well into my walk home, and the occaisional post work lie down. (something I try not to do too often, as the last way I should be spending my 6 hours of me time is sleeping alone. mind you my job could be noticably worse, but this daily grind is not for me. sadly, unless I strike it rich, I'm stuck with it. I'm too much of a slacker for my own good. on the other hand, I am going to pull 6 days straight next week, mon-sat, so I cannot be THAT lazy. oh wait, yes I can, I just want my points reduced. soon as I get that taken care of, then we'll see about some slackin'. next week, I will pick up my Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles after work, which I have already paid for in full :), and Metroid Zero Mission as well. (oh, and Rachel, if you want to try out FFCC, maybe I can swing by some tuesday afternoon and haul some GBA cables over)

IGN wrote a scathing review of FFCC. I was highly pissed with it, as it seems like they played the game for 15 minutes, and could only whine about being forced to stay with their party, (curse you teamwork!) and that your placement for the end of level rewards is merit based. (what do you mean I have to earn my upgrade?) they then proceeded to leave out rather large parts of the gameplay, which could easily have been mentioned in their FOUR PAGES of pissing and moaning. it leaves me wondering why I even bother looking at reviews for a game I've played, as the complaints they had never came up since SEPTEMBER when we were playing. ("wahhh I didn't get an end of level upgrade!!" well, to do that you need to go through the same level oh say 8 or 9 times! I exhausted the FIRST level for upgrades. that's it.... or "wahhh I died again because I left the crystal chalice's circle of protection for the 20th time" well, I don't know if we had any deaths due to the bucket being out of the way. maybe a half heart of damage, but jesus, you're playing a game where the whole point is the team sticking together. if you can't stay on the same fucking screen as your party, it's your own damn fault.) *sighs* nevermind that you need to keep relations with your family pleasant. nevermind that they can build you weapons, accessories etc depending on the job you selected for them. nevermind that the levels change with the progression. hell, nevermind 2/3 of the game. because it has the name Final Fantasy in the title they're expecting Cloud's love child with Tidus or something. (they go to great pains to bring up there's no FMV as well....) let's face it, Final Fantasy games are becoming less and less traditional in how they play, least of all that in recent years there's been little fantasy in FF outside of a magic/summon system, and that some of the characters use swords. automatic weapons, modern machinery, etc don't cut it for me. does this make them bad RPGs? hardly. but I don't know where I stand with Final Fantasy as a franchise anymore. I'm beginning to think I should stop thinking I can't wait for the next Final Fantasy game, and start thinking more along the lines of I can't wait for the next big budget Square RPG. it may not have that same ring to it, but let's face it, FFX was not as much a FF game, but just an RPG that played pretty well, outside of a some painfully annoying characters. FFX-2 had the battle system of an FF game, but the mission based play was a step away from what we're used to. FFXI? it's a MMORPG, if THAT doesn't speak volumes about it being a departure, I don't know where to begin. does it mean I dislike these games? hardly. I went through FFX, and despite loathing Tidus, and pushing Wakka as far away from my party as I could, it is still one of the top 5 RPGs for PS2. I'd go so far as to put it far above Suikoden 3. (considering the pedastal I put Suikoden 2 on, to be so heavily disappointed with the game is beyond sad.) I rabidly played through FFX-2, earning the 100% ending. (though I am still too bitter about the mascot dress sphere to be able to go through it again yet.) FFXI? my newest form of digital crack, I've logged a shit load of time into it, have only scracthed the surface, and am looking to just keep going back for more. long story short, FF9 was a nice return to Final Fantasy's roots, but there are plenty of other game titles out there Square, maybe it's time to start a new franchise, since the old has gone beyond its limits. oh well. as long as they make a quality title, they'll still own the most market shares for my wallet and soul.

hehehehe. I am logged into my West number. 15 minutes without a call. I wonder how long they'll let me be before they yell at me to go over to east. I'm so bad....
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