May 18, 2006 08:41
Trollfest - Willkommen Folk tell Drekka Fest
Zeeon - Blood Vessel Criteria
Talamyus - As Long as it Flows
Therm.Eye.Flame - Solar Nebula
Therm.Eye.Flame - To Evolution!?
Scald - Will of the Gods is Great Power
Mirrorthrone - Carriers of Dust
Mirrorthrone - Of Wind and Weeping
Little Dead Bertha - Way of Blind
Hellveto - Stos
Drudkh - Blood in Our Wells
Drudkh - The Swan Road
Arkona - Revival
Arkona - Imperium
Abominant - The Way After
Fuck Shit Up - Generation of Defecation
Arcane Necrosis - S/T (limited to 150 copies)
HA!!! once again I am far superior to all!!! with my mighty CD collection =P
I would like to thank my friend Evil Edith at for sending me some kick ass CD's at a decent price =P