(no subject)

Dec 13, 2006 21:38

I got my first Christmas card of the year from troublecreek!! And there was oragami uncluded! I've got the art done for my cards but there's no way I'll have time to print them up and mail them out before I leave. CHRISTMAS CARDS IN JANUARY FTW!!

I took my math final tuesday and I'm pretty sure I completely pwned. It was only twenty questions and I was under the impression that I knew how to do everything on it. We'll see.

"Why don't men wear leggings? They should totally make leggings for dudes. They would keep you like crazy warm."

"Well, in the middle ages men wore tights."

"Oh, okay. Why would you tell me that? That's disgusting. Thanks a lot, big tuna."ROFL OMG I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!(*cough*GO TEAM PAM*cough*)

Last night my cable and internet were out for 3+ hours. Of course, this took place on the night that Ricky Gervais was on Conan and Stephen Fry was on Craig Ferguson. RICKY GERVAIS AND STEPHEN FUCKING FRY. Fate and electricity hate me.

Today I went in and got the picture taken for my driver's license. We'll see if it looks like a mug shot in 7-10 days. I spent like half-an-hour on hair and makeup, got there, and the girl was like "We have your picture on the computer. Would you like to keep it on your licsense?" And I almost said "Yeah! That's fine." I stopped myself. Because in my old picture I look like an underage, heroin addicted prostitute. Not so much like a whore as a tired, detoxing 12-year-old.

EDIT: Does anybody have Charlie Brown Christmas music?

Katherine Claire Mannon (7 months)

Isabelle's 7th birthday

Joey preparing to destroy my umbrella.

Mom and Katie

Dad and Katie in front of the tree.

And I somehow managed to not get a single picture with the baby the whole time they were in town. I fail.

big tuna, pic!spam, dmv, school, the office, math

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