Nov 04, 2005 13:31
I almost forgot how to use livejournal. It's been so long. Eugene is great. Drew called me up and it was GREAT to talk to him. I miss everyone from Portland. I miss Keith and Marshall, and eban being crazy, and andrew being charming...I'm comming back to portland for thanksgiving, and my break starts the 5th of december, so I'll come by at lunch sometime to say hello.
I love eugene, its wonderful and rainy. Things are so busy. Things are great and then scary and fun and is harder than they make it look. But we have the homecomming game this weekend which will be a blast!!! Thats all, gotta run. peace. P.S. my dorm room # is 541-346-9909, give me a call (anyone from p town that wants to chat or catch up)!!!