Aug 19, 2004 21:16
Hey you! I dont know who you are but I stole Casey's live journal because I dont have one...just for a day though. This is Lorraine by the way, beloved friend of Casey. Today we trucked (Casey's word choice) our way up to Seattle with a two hour late start, due to her mom's procrastination. It was a bumby start, both Casey and I falling ill with a terrible case of car sickness. BUT do not fear, with some french fries, rolled down windows fresh air, and the awesome music of Coldplay we were, rest assured, fantastically well. We hit the beach club for some afternoon sun. There we swam and tried to balance on a spinning log which Casey, being a pro from four years experience, managed to get on and sadly I did not. Then we hit the University Mall (UW) and shopped but had to come home for dinner. hahah...Casey's mom thinks that the sixth month rule includes another person in your car that isnt related to you...wohoo. So now that we are here, chillin at Casey's mom's best friend's house from college, Melissa, and her doggie Lucky, we are planning our four hot (as in us), hilarious, and of course awesome trip. We've included in our plans campus tour of UW, SHOPPING, space needle, shopping, beach, shopping, and then some. Yea I know it sucks to be you sitting on your butt reading! Alright well, we will see y'all later because we have to go chill by the lake, and watch some movies.
Sincerely (only not really),
Lorraine and Casey <---the real owner of this journal