My name is Yours, can I sleep on your floor?

May 02, 2006 09:52

Gacked from

We all know how to be down on ourselves, and if we don't, society will gladly help teach us. But everyone says the healthiest way to raise a child is to sandwich one possibly-negative constructive thing between two positive things. So, raise yourself right: Name at least two things you LOVE about yourself. More, if you can think of them. Can be physical or metaphysical or completely abstract. Then pass it on so more people can find things to love about themselves.

1: That I can easily relate to people and show empathy.

2: The fact that I can dance. Not just do great jetés (which I never really could anyway) but that I can move and get this enormous kick out of it.

Off to my quiz, but first I might puke from being nervous.

meme, italian

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