01 ↝ When Doves Cry

Oct 14, 2011 20:32

And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful house!
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful wife!

{ 949 Beulah Street. Good morning! }

It's under 500. )

she's hideous guys, ! phone, ! action, arrival

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phone webfreedomftw October 15 2011, 05:38:55 UTC
It's not a joke, unfortunately, Miss. You've been kidnapped, in effect, and you're basically screwed, just like the rest of us. Any specific questions?


filledechance October 15 2011, 22:52:43 UTC
Ah-- [Sort of looks at the tan earpiece before putting it back in place, brow raising]

You sound familiar... [Way to be lame, Monaco. She's under pressure though - and no, it's not simply the tightly coiled curlers doing it.]


webfreedomftw October 16 2011, 18:32:56 UTC
Uh. [So the lady with the hysterics does probably sound familiar for a reason. That's interesting.] Estonia. Republic of.


filledechance October 16 2011, 21:14:40 UTC
Estonia! Oh, there are sensible sorts here. What a relief...

[Pause; realizes he's a bit confused on who she is. Line face.] Monaco. Principality of. [Smirk... not like he can see it.]


webfreedomftw October 16 2011, 23:20:43 UTC
[Oh god don't make fun of him, that makes everything worse.]

Oh, Monaco! Ah... I didn't recognize your voice, I'm sorry. How are you holding up?


filledechance October 19 2011, 02:46:33 UTC

I am holding up as best as I can though I've already made quite the racket. [the birds in the neighborhood will not forgive her] I just woke up in a bed that could not have been larger than full size with a stranger attired shabbily but fret not! [a barest hint of sarcasm is laced in her little ramble there]

This is bad, Estonia. Very bad.


webfreedomftw October 19 2011, 16:48:36 UTC
[The awkwardest chuckling ever goes here.] Don't worry, you're fitting in splendidly so far.

Uh... I mean, have things been explained to you yet?


filledechance October 19 2011, 17:39:01 UTC
[Technically they have by the conference call that is an open post, but for the sake of this:] I woke up fifteen minutes ago. From being kidnapped, in hair rollers and other Americana garb from the 50s.

Is this some bizarre game of house? [grrrrrr.]


webfreedomftw October 20 2011, 19:26:08 UTC
Not just house, but... erm, town. As time goes on, you'll be given things from home. Not necessarily things you want, but things nonetheless. And if you haven't noticed by now, you're a human for the time being. Try to be careful.


filledechance October 21 2011, 02:52:29 UTC
...What is that saying? Oh yes.

This is the gift that keeps on giving. Truly. [mutter] Where are you in this mess, anyway? It would be nice to know where familiar faces are.


webfreedomftw October 23 2011, 02:58:53 UTC
I'm on Beulah Street. I think I've got a sketched map of the place and where to find some of the other nations here, if you want me to bring it over to you?


filledechance October 25 2011, 22:24:30 UTC
[wrinkles her nose at the street name; just wait sweetcheeks - you'll realize soon enough] This really is 50s Americana at its finest, non? Please? I will...ah, look for a number and perhaps you can find me.

[There's shuffling and moomoo's and curlers ahoy; returning with a:] 949. Wherever I am.


webfreedomftw October 25 2011, 22:35:07 UTC
Okay, well, I'll start with the 949 just down the road and go from there. I'll, uh... find you eventually.


filledechance November 2 2011, 15:31:14 UTC
Oh. Oh, very well. [SHE'S BEEN REDUCED TO AWKWARD STAMMERING; throat clear] Merci. I will just, ah. Make myself semi appropriate. Adieu, Estonia.

[Once the receiver was back in its cradle the girl is tugging at the curlers in her hair with the efficiency of a spazzing fashion mogul backstage at a show; quickly making her way back upstairs with as much caution as she can. The only thing in her closet are cheery dresses surely fall knee length at minimum. She changed (in the bathroom; drone somehow STILL SLEEPING despite his wife's screech of doom) and headed downstairs to wait at her door, peering out at the bizarrely identical homes]

What did I get myself into?


webfreedomftw November 2 2011, 18:43:30 UTC
[After some issues (involving his droned housemates and a certain pet of his) Estonia is looking a tiny bit flustered by the time he's ringing at her doorbell, not entirely sure it's here at all. There's a heroic mochi perched on his shoulder. Don't ask. Or, you know, do.

When she opens the door, he'll give her an awkward little wave.]


filledechance November 2 2011, 19:30:40 UTC
[What, Estonia? Do pretty girls with long long hair (unfortunately even more curled than usual) make those boyish nerves go all asunder? Still, he gets the right 949. Spotting a familiar mop of blond out of the peephole Cosette pried the thing open with a flourish -- and sadly it wasn't in that 'welcome to my humble abode' sort of way]

I could kiss you, I think. That was quite fast... how far do you live from here?


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