Aug 05, 2004 17:15
~*~ About You: ~*~
1. Name: Cristina
2. Age: 15
3. Birthdate: November 20 1988
4. Time you were born: idk
5. Birthplace: Detroit
6. Location Now: SCS
7. Hair Color: blonde
8. Eye Color: blue
9. Race: white
~*~ Family: ~*~
1. Dad's name: Mike
2. Mom's name: Maria
3. Siblings-age, name: Michael-13
4. Describe them: annoying
5. Aunt/Uncle: Sal/Rose, Joe/ Carolann, Kathy/George, Alice/Tom, Pat
~*~ School: ~*~
1. Name: Lakeview
2. Mascot:husky
3. Colors: blue and white
4. Grade: 11
5. Classes: i dont know yet
6. Teachers: idk
~*~Favorite: ~*~
1. color: Dark Blue
2. drink: water
3. food: salad
4. holiday: christmas
5. store: J. Crew
6. restaurant: Jack's Waterfront
7. music: i like all kinds
8. rapper: i dont have a fav.
9. NFL team: Lions
10. college football team: UofM
11. baseball team: Yankees
12. recent memory: idk
~*~Love life: ~*~
1. BF/GF?: no
2. If so, who?:
3. If not, why?: no ones asked me to go out with them
4. Do you love them?: No
5. Do you have a crush?: yes
6. If so, who?: im not saying
7. Are you in love with this person?: no
8. What would you tell him/her?: no
~*~Things You Like To Wear~*~
1) Do you like to wear socks? sometimes
2) Do you like to wear pants? yea
3) What about a bra? yea
4) Do you wear underware? Yes
5) Boxers or breifs? nethier
6) Do you wear a toe ring? no
7) What about rings on your fingers? yes
8) Do wear headbands? no
9) Do you wear bandaids for no reason? no
10) Do you wear clothes to bed, or just sleep in the nude? I wear pajamas
~*~Do you like to eat... ~*~
1) The clipings from your fingernails? no
2) How about the ones from your pets? no
3) Wood? no
4) Paper? no.
5) Cats? no
6) What about dogs? no
7) Bugs? no
8) Ice Cream? yes
9) Butter (Just butter. Nothing else w/it!)? no
10) Ice Cubes? yes
1) Who is your best friend? I have a few
2) Do you like him/her? No
3) Is it a boy or girl? Girls
4) Do you hang out with guys or girls more? Girls
5)Do you have any friends of the opp. sex? yea
6) How about of the same sex? yea
7) Is/Are your pet/pets your friend(s)? sure
8) Are your parents your friends? no
9) Is God your friend? idk
10) Do you really have any friends, or have you been lying this whole time? i have friends
~*~People In General~*~
1) Do you like the people you work with? i don't have a job
2) Do you like the people at your school? Some of them
3) Do you like people of the opp. sex? Some of them
4) Are you attracted to people of the same sex? no
5) Do you like your teachers? no
6) Do you want to kill some of your teachers? sometimes
7) Do you own any people? no
8) Do you have any children? no
9) If someone talks to you on the computer, does that make your computer a person then? no
10) Do you even like people? yes
Im happy, im going to see mean girls today!!! This will be my 5th time.