Jiu ni bu neng ku.

Mar 22, 2015 20:41

*sigh* I need a roof.

A really high roof where I cant sit, drink beer, and think. God, I miss doing that in Taipei. The city spread out before you, glittering and sparkling with colored light. There, I find so much clarity.

There's so much inside my head these days, I feel like I might burst.

City-life. It's bizarre how much I miss it. However, I'm pretty sure that city life here in the States pales in comparison to city life in Asia. I'm almost positive, really. There's no cheap street food or cheap beer here, and those two things make Asian city life special, I think.

Watching these Asian dramas reminds how much I loved living in Taipei. I genuinely miss it. Odd though. I know there were days there when I was so desperate to speak with an American.
*smile* We always want the best of all worlds, I guess.

Rougou wo bu shou, ni zhi dao ma?

I've been thinking about that phrase a lot lately. I know I have communication failures in my personal relationships, and I've been trying to remember that phrase. If the words never leave my head, how is anyone supposed to know? My hapa side is strong in this area.

So, I want to clearly state my feelings and hope that you receive them well.
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