for all we've become, we just feel more alone

Jun 04, 2009 01:24

Our lab rotation forms are due June 12th. When I got the email, my heart skipped a beat. I needed to do four lab rotations this semester, but only managed to one well, and half-assed the other. So, now I've got to beg some signatures off some professors, who will hopefully not give me a hard time.

I will not let myself slip into crazy, stressed out mode. I am going to handle the rest of this month without paranoia. I sent emails to the other two professors about the lab rotations I actually did, so hopefully, I will collect their signatures soon.

I will also not go psycho crazy about my application for the doctorate program at Ching Hua. The situation is a bit complicated, but basically, this application is supposed to be a formality. So, I need to calm down. I need two recommendation letters for the application, and I'm really worried about who to ask. But I need to calm down because crazy, stressed out, nervous mode is only bad for my health.

I need to conquer my irrational fears.
Stare into their eyes and grin. I am stronger than this.

I can do it.

But you know, none of this is helping me find an advisor by July 31st.
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