Da Jia Hao!

Apr 05, 2009 00:32

While today wasn't terribly productive, it was a good day.

I was going to go with some friends to the flower market, but I couldn't make it. I'm STILL easily exhausted, and after lunch I was already falling asleep. So I came home, took a short rest, and finished rereading Paladin of Souls. Then I had a shower, and ate dinner. Actually, I have lost my appetite, which means, basically making myself eat meals. I know I need to eat, so I make myself, but I would like my appetite back!

My voice still hasn't returned, but at least my throat doesn't burn and sting when I drink orange juice nor does it burn when I swallow. I do, however, have water stuck in my ear that I can't get out because my right sinus is still blocked. It's not so comfortable, but I can't get it to clear no matter what I try.

However, I actually did work today!! I did a load of lanudry and worked on my pchem homework. I also solved the problem, so that's a happy bonus! I was stuck on this problem two weeks ago. There is so much to be said for having a happy mental state when tackling homework. If you are pissed or stressed, it will make no sense and you will only get more stressed or pissed or both! Remember, happy mental state! It's the secret for everything.

Oh and don't switch ponies half-way through. I have this awful habit of not following through with my chosen method, deciding to switch to a different one when it seems to not be working. However, this just confuses you and moves in one giant circle! My new goal is to stop doing this.
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