Dining Hall Adventures

Feb 03, 2006 20:41

I got chased out of Kimmel by a deaf-mute custodian today.

Literally chased, from the 3rd floor to the park. He was shouting and running after me, well, not really shouting, I guess more like gurgling really loudly, and wow I am going to hell for that one.

It wasn't my fault, well I guess it was, but I didn't know where to put the tray because the trashcan tops were off, and usually you put them up there on top of the trashcans, but they were off, so I just put them on the table, which I know I probably shouldn't have done, but hey man, if I had enough time to figure out where to properly place trays after lunch, I would have enough time to do my homework, but unfortunately I just bought Battlestar Galactica seasons 1 and 2, so I don't have time for anything.

At any rate, me and Becka step onto the escalator after we abandoned our trays, and then the deaf-mute tray man came bolting out of the door and angrily gurgled (hell) and did that "come here" thing with his finger, you know the really stern one that second grade teachers give when you eat all the glue and then slink back to your seat like you did nothing.

But we had already gotten on the escalator. There was no turning back. I would have come back if they were stairs, I swear, but you just can't do it on an escalator, it's way too awkward. And once you reach the bottom, you can't just go around and take the escalator back up. That's even MORE awkward. So we had no choice. We had to keep moving.

That's when he started chasing us.

I was going to go back to Kimmel for dinner, just to tempt fate, but Beth convinced me that that would be the Larry David thing to do, which incidentally made me want to go even more, but she ended up dragging me to Downstein.

Then while in line at the salad bar, I received a rather strange phone call.

"Hi, is this Phillip?"


"Hello, I'm from the AK Delta Psi(?) sorority in UC Davis and we have a serenade from Jessie."

"...a serenade?"



"Ok, we're going to serenade you over the phone now."


"Are you ready?"


(a chorus)
"Don’t you ever wish you were someone else,
You were meant to be the way you are exactly.
Don’t you ever say you don’t like the way you are.
When you learn to love yourself, you’re better off by far.
And I hope you always stay the same,
Cuz there’s nothin’ ’bout you I would change."



"Did you just sing me Joey McIntyre?"


"Post New Kids on the Block?"



"Anyway, Jessica Chu says Hi and hope you're having fun in New York!"

"Oh, ok... thanks!"

"We just serenaded you."

"Yes, you did, I...uh, I enjoyed it."


"You're welcome."



"Well, have a good night!"

(hangs up)

I have no witty commentary for this at the moment.
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