Newsletter: 2010

Jan 10, 2013 23:08

I haven't done one of these in 3 years, so there's lots to catch up on. I'll break it up by year and hope the cut works.


It’s been a while, but lots has happened.

2010 was, among things, a year for great concerts, combining my interest in celtic music with ze spouse‘s interest in rock. We saw Enter The Haggis, Great Big Sea, & Korb Lund.

That summer I helped friends move into their new filk palace, lugging books and bookcases up & down [and down & up] stairs for well over 4 hours. Fortunately for vanity, the college-aged helper gave out when I did. :)

That week, I read a funny book by Don Aslett, _Clutter’s Last Stand_. Inspired, we cleaned out the linen closet right away and the clothes closets over the year. I also read _Stuff: Compulsive Hoarding & The Meaning Of Things_. It had lots of cool insights, especially how hoarders see objects in layers of time. Past memories and future possibilities are every bit as real as present obstruction, if not more so. (I’m not exactly a hoarder yet, but have tendencies that way, so it’s well to be wary.)

Our park, Reynolds Nature Preserve, was still recovering from drought, so the herons came back. We even saw a green one!

The Nasfic was in Raleigh, a very civilized city with lots of great food and free museums. At the convention, I enjoyed lots of room parties and concerts. On our sight-seeing day, we made it to the Raulston Arboretum and the Raleigh Art Museum [30 Rodins!]. Pictures are on

Faerie Escape was a one-day convention where I got to meet artist Charles Vess & see authors Ellen Kushner & Delia Sherman again. Delightful!

We also went to our first housefilk in South Carolina. We’ve been to 4 since, & they’re lots of fun, with great food, great people, superlative conversation, & some good music. Ze spouse’s favorite is Larry’s parody “Undead Dog.”

Highlights of that fall included going to the aquarium with my bridesmaid and the 3 Quarter Ale cd party with the Wegeners. I read James White’s Sector General series and all the Kerry Greenwood I could find, especially the Phryne Fisher books. Himself & I also hiked up Panola [on the 1 day a month it’s open], which was gorgeous. The final part, coming down the mountain on your backside, because it’s wide open with no trail, was far less fun. I found Marty a talk given by an actual player from the Negro Leagues; we enjoyed that.

December started off with a bang. Everyone was having so much fun (& eating so many desserts), the Wegener housefilk went until 2 a.m. A few days later, Himself & I went all the way to Newnan for the Christmas concert far away, with Robin Bullock & Steve Baughman. They’re both excellent, especially together. I’ve since acquired many of their cds.


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