Cool Stuff At Anthro

Jun 19, 2006 20:30

First and foremost: HUGE thanks to unclekage, giza, Uncle Vlad, and ever-damn-body else -- impossibly long list -- at AnthroCon. You were all great, and your friendliness and helpfulness and generosity and general wonderfulness will not be forgotten.

Abundant thanks also to the Dorsai -- scs11, blueeyedtigress, unkbar, Joanne, René, Karen, Becca and her girls, Halina, especially James and Kay, Kate, drzarron, Mark Osier, just all of you. You helped me when I needed help (my back was very bad this weekend, and the convention center was long and long), way, way above and beyond the call of duty, and I guess I must be kinda okay after all, to have such folks as you call me a friend. I am humbled by you, and eternally grateful to you and for you.

And, many, many thanks to dreamdancer85 and Robin and Carla, who helped so much on Saturday. (dreamdancer85 also got me a tremendously fun goodie -- a barbecue grill lighter styled after a sheep. So I've got a fire-breathing sheep. It's a Fenton action figure!)

My concert sets were fun. Small audiences -- less than three dozen people each -- but we all had a good time. Next time, I'll hype myself a bit more prominently (I already have a few ideas, hee hee). And, being an unknown quantity at a specialty con, I still had okay sales, and met a lot of very nice folks.

And now, Tales Of The Fanboy....

I found out Saturday that I did in fact have a dealer's table.

Right near Scott Shaw!

I went over and fanboy'd him. I admit it. I handed him a couple of CDs, and said, "Sir, I'm a big fan of yours from way back. I wish they'd just collect The Oz-Wonderland War." (Yes, I do know Carol Lay did the art for that. Doesn't matter. I want all the Captain Carrot collected.)

He said, "Oh, you're the music guy! Yeah, I read about you in Wired! Listen, where's your table?"

Agog, I pointed at it, just to the right.

He said, "Oh, we'll have to hang out."

It got better.

Sunday, an Asian gentleman came by the table, and looked at the CDs. He said, "I'm not familiar with your work."

I said, "Oh, I do music -- folk-rock com-" and then I stopped.

It was Stan Sakai.

Fanboy away. Pressing CDs into palm. "I'm a big fan of Usagi."

"Oh! Would you like a sketch?"

He drew me a sketch. Usagi and one of the little "eep!" lizards, in a lovely open landscape with mountains.

At this point, I was in Little Fanboy Heaven.

A few minutes later, I left for the restroom, and when I came back I saw Bill Holbrook's table, and I remembered that I had to get the new K&K book, Oh, The Humanity! (It has the secret origin of Lindesfarne.)

I'd given Mr. Holbrook a CD a few cons ago, and I came up and said, "Hi! I-"

I never got to the "-- don't know if you'd remember me" part. He said, "You! How are you? I've been lending your album to all my friends! The Illuminati Polka is a classic!"

While I was gaping, he asked me who my favorite K&K characters were. I said it was a toss-up between Fiona and Fenton. He sketched head shots of both of them when he signed the book.

Staggering back to my table, I found out that Mr. Sakai had come back and left me Usagi cloissone pins.

While my mind reeled from all this, Scott Shaw! came over and apologized for being too busy to come over and hang, and he gave me his card and said if I needed an album cover, or wanted to perhaps collaborate....

I am beyond happy. Some of the people I admire and respect most in comic art are talking to me as if I'm a colleague.

Guess I'll have to do some stuff to make it so. :)

conventions, friends, comics

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