Have I really not been on LJ for six months!?
Yowzah. Well, hi, everyone. I've been doing all my social media-izing on Facebook, which is great except for the shitty stuff, and I realized I wanted to not only check in, but get you up to date.
I missed a few cons -- InCon, LibertyCon, GenCon -- because of money or lack thereof, but it's mostly been an excellent con summer. Highlight was DragonCon, which was pretty awesome, except for the attempts to negotiate the dealers' area. Yeesh.
A little bit of physical distress here and there, most recently a tooth pulled this past Tuesday. Otherwise, health mostly good.
The new-to-me van is still giving me trouble, but we've narrowed it down, and hope to have it all taken care of this coming week.
Upcoming conventions are all go:
FenCon in TX,
ConTraFlow in New Orleans,
OVFF in Columbus (I'm up for two
Pegasus Awards!),
WindyCon in Chicago/Lombard,
ChessieCon in Baltimore-ish.
And, tomorrow night, Sept. 14, I'm doing a
live streaming concert. Should be fun. (I believe you have to have a free account at Concert Window to see it, but the concert itself is pay-what-you-want, minimum $1, I get 70%.)
I hope you're all doing okay...?