Lots of great information on FB today, and I want more from my friends on LJ. Here's a little poll about my potential crowdfunding project.
Or projects.
https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/J79357C This entry was originally posted at
http://filkertom.dreamwidth.org/1642689.html. You may comment there or here, although LJ tends to have a livelier
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Comments 8
Or the GM could have "Tom's App O' Gaming Fun!" on his iPad then tap whatever result he wants and it plays a random suitable snippet. Wish I knew a bit of programming, this would be fun and easy to make.
I don't know why, but it seems most filkers launch a kickstarter project then never talk to their backers! Ever! Just look at Insane Ian's project, zero comments, zero updates, zero feedback, and he wonders why he almost didn't make it.
So when you do launch a project on any of the crowdfunding sites, please talk to us backers. We get lonely.
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