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Sep 06, 2013 18:12

Ahhh, DC Comics. Always with the maturity and good clean fun.

I don't think it's any secret that I've had it up to HERE with what the writers and editors at Marvel and especially DC Comics consider to be cutting-edge material, mostly because their material tends to include lots of cutting edges. But this is just frickin' nuts ( Read more... )

wtf, comics

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bayushisan September 7 2013, 15:43:00 UTC
You know the really interesting this is that if you look back at the DCAU from Batman: the Animated Series all the way through Justice League Unlimited, including Batman Beyond and even Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, is that those series all got it. The characters were heroes, even Batman, though he was more of a loner, especially after the events described in Return of the Joker. Those shows were great and remain some of my favorite animated series ever.

Move up to Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes and Spiderman: Unlimited (the new one), these are both really good and seem to capture the old school heroism that's missing from a lot of today's comics.

Even the Marvel movieverse is doing a better job at showing heroes. Just look at Captain America: the First Avenger. Even though Avengers was a great movie Captain America remains my favorite of the series for one very simple reason. Steve Rogers is a good man, who wants to do the right thing for the right reason. When he finds out that soldiers are being help captive and no one is planning on going after them, he just goes. No hesitation, and no wondering if he should or shouldn't. People need help and he can be that help so he just goes and helps. Evey time I watch that movie I smile and feel better because Steve is what I envision a hero to be. Too bad Marvel and DC are so busy trying to recapture the Dark Ages of comics, and get back the 90's fans that they're losing everyone else.


alverant September 7 2013, 16:58:37 UTC
Agreed. I'm not so sure about the new Avengers show though. It seems a bit harder than EMH. I haven't seen the new Spider-man but his show is in the same universe as EMH (including a few cross-over episodes).

Marvel and DC have decades of mythology built up. That's its strength and its weakness. It's a strength because of the wealth of material. It's a weakness because it's hard to get the whole backstory without a big initial investment on the part of the reader and since comic book heroes don't age (much) the history in the comic book doesn't always hold up as real world time passes.


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