Upcoming Conventions, House Concert Possibilities, and Concert Window

Aug 18, 2013 16:12

I am bummed that I did not make GenCon Indy this year, but it was my own fault. I really didn't plan for it, and I didn't save up any money for it. Even if I had made it, it would've been a skin-of-the-teeth thing, and that ain't no way to do something like GenCon. So, next year.

Meantime, I have a lot of upcoming stuff, and you can all be part of it:
  • First, of course, are the conventions I will be attending.I think and hope I will have some new stuff for Dragon etc., and not just concert audio.
  • Second: The FenCon/ConChord/Back To OVFF trip. Between FenCon and ConChord, I will have about ten days to play with. Three of them will be spent in travel just getting out there; I'll likely spend a few days visiting my mom, out in Phoenix. Once I get to San Diego, I hope to spend one day up in Anaheim, at Disneyland.

    I'd like at least one, and up to three, to be house concerts. If anybody's interested.

    The available dates would be Oct. 8-14, depending on where I am on my westward journey -- e.g., it's much easier for me to do Texas on the 8th through 10th than on the 13th and 14th. Anywhere in Dallas, or possibly Austin; along I-20, or I-10, heading towards Arizona; or between San Diego and Los Angeles. A few hours of absolute insanity, live in your living room/den/gazebo/whatever. You know the drill: I ask a small donation; the host/hostess gets free albums and a recording of the concert; the other guests get serious discounts on merch; and everyone gets a silly, fun evening.

    Just for everyone's convenience, my intention is to stay at a local hotel where possible, although we can talk about that.

    Anyone interested in hosting something?
  • I've been thinking of doing a live video concert or three for awhile now... but the tech has always been a bit shaky. Not anymore. Concert Window has opened up the possibility of actually being able to charge admission and everything (including a pay-what-you-want option), while having WAY more robust servers than anything I could access otherwise.

    So. If I had a half-hour to forty-five-minute online concert at Concert Window -- say, sometime in December -- would anybody be interested?

This entry was originally posted at http://filkertom.dreamwidth.org/1636862.html. You may comment there or here, although LJ tends to have a livelier conversation at this time.

travel, conventions, music, online

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