Happy Birthday, Nikola Tesla

Jul 10, 2013 13:10

On this date in 1856. Possibly one of the greatest scientists, one of the greatest people, who ever lived... and one who got screwed almost every step of the way. Edison, Marconi, J.P. Morgan... the list of people who elbowed their way in front of or stomped over Tesla is long and diverse.

If you ever listen to radio, or use alternating current (hint: everything you plug in), you owe thanks to Tesla.

What's your favorite current science project? Kickstarter, government grant, whatever. Mine is the Bukito portable 3D printer.

This entry was originally posted at http://filkertom.dreamwidth.org/1630935.html. You may comment there or here, although LJ tends to have a livelier conversation at this time.

birthday, science

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