The Steam Engines of Oz

Apr 16, 2013 12:41

Okay, so here's an attempt to lighten the mood. Isn't this gorgeous?

There are actually three Oz comics coming out at about the same time (here's a look at the other two), but the one is a straight-up adaptation of Book 6, while the other is, to be charitable, just a touch slutty. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Said the guy who has Alan Moore's Lost Girls in the big-ass slipcase edition.

What's your favorite song from The Wizard of Oz? Okay, fine, the whole soundtrack, not a clinker in the bunch (thank goodness the "Jitterbug" scene was cut). But if we ever do an In Concert version at OVFF or somethin', I'd love to play the Cowardly Lion, so I could sing "If I Were King Of The Forest".

And "... Da NOIVE."

This entry was originally posted at You may comment there or here, although LJ tends to have a livelier conversation at this time.

movies, books, music, comics

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