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Sandy Hook Killer loriruadh April 2 2013, 16:21:18 UTC
I saw a report on the news Friday evening that stated that the gun safe was in Adam Lanza's bedroom. The reporter also said that Lanza's mother wasn't buying the guns for herself -- she was buying them for her son.

I've been trying to wrap my head around that, and failing.


Re: Sandy Hook Killer gardnerhill April 3 2013, 03:24:03 UTC
Ms Lanza - a card-carrying "responsible gun owner." Deflates every NRA paranoid talking point right there. She was a good little NRA consumer, believing their hysterical paranoid rantings about end times and economic meltdowns, and passed that on to her murderous little Grendel.

Maybe we just need to make it illegal for white males to carry guns - the majority of serial killers, psycho stockpilers, end-times-believers, sovereign citizens, and abusive police fall into that category.


Re: Sandy Hook Killer drewkitty April 3 2013, 20:45:00 UTC
In all seriousness I have suggested that since women are disproportionately the victims of violent crime, this is prima facie evidence that women with no criminal record should be ENTITLED to a shall-issue concealed handgun permit.


Re: Sandy Hook Killer alverant April 3 2013, 21:30:24 UTC
Except the NRA is trying to put guns in the hands of "law abiding" wife beaters and abusers. Gotta keep the dues paying membes happy right?


Re: Sandy Hook Killer drewkitty April 4 2013, 04:18:06 UTC
The NRA is 70% funded by firearms manufacturers and 30% funded by member donations ( ... )


Re: Sandy Hook Killer gardnerhill April 4 2013, 01:29:25 UTC
No. No more fucking guns. Take the toys from the boys.


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