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bayushisan April 1 2013, 23:51:21 UTC
There was a time in my life where I would have been kind of a snot about my belief in the right to keep and bare arms. Now? Well I recognize that other people have well thought out reasons for the things they believe in (well at least most people do, or so I'd like to think). I respect that you don't like guns Tom, and truth be told I don't like them either. I don't like them for the very reason that they are only designed to kill ( ... )


filkertom April 2 2013, 00:09:33 UTC
Neither can I, buddy. The only thing I know for sure is, continuing to allow the NRA and the RKBA people to dictate the conversation isn't working.


kinsfire April 2 2013, 18:15:58 UTC
I would love to find a way to shut them up. There are lots of responsible people who own guns, but it's the Lanzas and the McVeighs and the whatever-the-hell-his-name-was-in-Scandahoovia people who make the news ( ... )


drewkitty April 3 2013, 20:39:35 UTC
Fortunately, the 1st Amendment stands to protect the 2nd Amendment.

The one way to shut me up as a member of the Pink Pistols is to stop trying to steal my stuff and endangering my tribe by denying us access to the tools of self defense.

I also would favor some real controls. Let's start by enforcing the Gun Control Act of 1968 -- settled law, nothing to dispute -- and every convicted felon who touches a firearm does twenty years of making large rocks into small rocks.


alverant April 3 2013, 21:26:39 UTC
And the 2nd amendment is used to shut down the first amendment. For example when a reporter asked local law enforcement in NC how many guns were registered in a certain county, he got so many death threats he had to flee the state. Also there's a politician in NY who wants reasonable gun laws and she's getting so many death threats from "law abiding" citizens that she now needs protection.


drewkitty April 4 2013, 04:24:58 UTC
Here in California, we caught the legislative staff of State Senator Leland Yee (D-San Francisco) lying about having received death threats.

A death threat is NOT a Second Amendment issue. It is an abuse of freedom of speech and a crime.

If it were not for the Deacons for Defense and the Black Panthers, it is not clear that we would have enjoyed the fruits of the civil rights movement. The 2nd Amendment protects unpopular speech -- it does not legitimate hate speech.


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