You may know already that NCSoft is planning to
shut down the MMORPG City of Heroes (as well as Paragon Studios, the company that develops it) by the end of the year.
This is not going over well with the large number of people who play it.
CoH is probably the primary reason I don't play MMORPGs. Once, while visiting Tom Trupinski and Lady Cheron and Kitten, I sat enraptured by it for about twenty minutes. It was literally the point at which I realized that, if I got into an MMORPG, especially a really really cool one like CoH, none of you would ever hear from me again. It was that effing glorious.
This is a game, and a community, that deserves to live on.
If you want to join the fight to keep CoH going,
join the Facebook group and
sign the petition.
This entry was originally posted at You may comment there or here, although LJ tends to have a livelier conversation at this time.