More later -- I need to spend at least today and likely tomorrow catching up with, oh, everything, especially sleep -- but GenCon was tremendous fun, and I got to spend (way too little) time with
Howard Tayler and
Lar DeSouza and
Ryan Sohmer and
Randy Milholland and
Diana Harlan Stein and
Rob Balder and
Luke Ski and the lovely Sara Trice and Ken Sherlock and his daughter Erin and the ever-amazing
Marc Gunn. And I ran into Michael and Terry and CJ Biro and just a whole bunch of folks, and I met and was quite impressed with
Mikey Mason and
Dan the Bard (and his lovely wife Kerry), and didn't spend nearly enough time with the fabulous
Damsels of Dorkington.
And I learned about some of the very coolest games and artwork I've ever seen.
And I got a bunch of deep-discount rulebooks and sourcebooks and a metric buttload of pretty dice and a whole bunch of cool web sites to share with you. I think doling them out over the week will be lots of fun, and GAMES GAMES GAMES!
How's your week looking?
This entry was originally posted at You may comment there or here, although LJ tends to have a livelier conversation at this time.