The Incredulity Factor

Jul 09, 2012 11:18

Steve Benen notes a huge problem that the Democrats have running against Republicans, especially Mitt Romney: People simply can't believe that what the Dems are saying could possibly be the truth.

This is a serious, nasty problem. When you're told something so outlandish that your immediate instinct is to disbelieve it completely, what happens when it turns out it really is someone's policy goal? And what if they actually get it implemented?

What are your trusted online news/analysis sources? Mine include Steve Benen at The Maddow Blog, Think Progress, and Ed Kilgore in Steve's old spot at Washington Monthly. There are also a number of excellent people on Daily Kos, but some people reflexively avoid that site.

Because, after all, what's being said there couldn't possibly be the truth.

This entry was originally posted at You may comment there or here, although LJ tends to have a livelier conversation at this time.

activism, politics

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