Music Music Music, and PenguiCon

Apr 27, 2012 17:08

I'm trying to finish up some music today, and I don't think I'll get to PenguiCon until tomorrow. Which saddens me, because I could use the hugs. But I'll get them tomorrow, and hang out with Luke and Gundo and Les and maybe Anne and whoever else shows up 'cause it's local and fun and hey. I believe my set is at 6:00 p.m. Saturday.

The music is fourfold. I've got a commission job I want to finish in the next week; that's being back-burnered until Monday. I have remixed "Quit Freaking Out Over Boobs" to make the vocals more prominent (and add a harmony) for the final cut on the next FuMP album. I have to clean up the vocals for "Prometheus", same dealie. And I have to expand the Ogre theme I did for Steve Jackson's Ogre Kickstarter into about two minutes' worth. (And Steve kindly mentioned me in an interview with GeekDad at Wired.)

It would also be really really great if I could spiff up Tom Smith Online tonight -- I need to add a few concerts that subscribers have had for awhile now, and fix a little code, and update the main page. I also have to update the Press Kit, but that can wait until Wednesday or so.

And then I get some dang sleep.

How's your weekend starting out...?

This entry was originally posted at You may comment there or here, although LJ tends to have a livelier conversation at this time.

the fump, conventions, music, friends, games

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