Harry Potter Fanfic I Think You Will Love

Dec 23, 2011 16:25

Oh, you're gonna hate me for this one. Kinda-sorta-Harry/Hermione, although very very slow-moving. At this point, really not relevant. Very much out-of-character Harry, Draco, Quirrell, and more. Oh, and it's a Work-In-Progress.

The author's handle is Less Wrong, and the story is Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. Very simple premise, really: Petunia didn't marry Vernon Dursley; she married a university professor. They adopted Harry, and the lad has been heavily trained in science and rational thinking.

Welcome to the Wizarding World, Harry.

The author has an entire wiki devoted to Rationality (catalana, scifantasy, admnaismith, help me out here). The story has generated lots of fan art (and some fan fiction, at the same page). And it has some of the best lines and most charming scenes and loudest laughs and and and.

It is not necessarily the best fanfic I've ever read -- I think that's still Magic Never Dies by Lynney -- but it's absolutely in the top five. Seriously, the first chapter's short -- give it a try. There is nothing else like it.

Any great fan stuff you want to share? Art, music, fic, link 'em up.

This entry was originally posted at http://filkertom.dreamwidth.org/1472665.html. You may comment there or here, although LJ tends to have a livelier conversation at this time.

harry potter, fanfic, science

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