This is a story of heroism -- at least, that's obviously how the TV station is playing it. And it is, no question -- many kudos to Brent Alvarez and Billy Denney, not merely for stopping a crime but for their humility and compassion while doing so. But it's also a story of luck, good and bad.
The good luck, of course, is that no one got shot. Best possible situation: The robber put his gun in the duffel bag before he'd even left the office, let alone the crime scene.
The bad luck, of course, is that of the robber. I don't know if he was b.s.'ing about his daughter... but the story gives it the ring of truth. And I can't help but worry about him and his kid, and what this arrest will do to them (although it would have been much worse if someone had indeed been injured or shot).
So, here's to the heroes, Alvarez and Denney. Thanks for the cool heads, guys, and may your lives go well. And here's hoping Luis Rosales, the robber, whose bail is set at $101,250 he can't possibly have, can somehow put his life back together -- for his sake, his daughter's, and ours. Surely we need a father more than we need another guy in jail.
This is not to excuse his crime, but to lament that crimes like this happen every day. This time we got lucky and no one was killed. But the worse things get, the more crime like this we'll see.
I believe the phrase that goes along with the mindset is, "I've got nothing left to lose."
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