Chow Ciao

Nov 01, 2011 08:10

One of my favorite Top Chef contestants is Fabio Viviani. Dude's overflowing with personality, and obviously loves food as much as anyone. While watching him, Leslie and I would note again and again that, even if he didn't win the big prize, he would at some point have his own TV show.

Turns out, he does. Catch new episodes of Chow Ciao every week on Yahoo.

What kind of cooking show would you have? I'd almost certainly do something with Comfort Food: variations on pizza, pasta, barbecue, burgers, sandwiches, maybe picnic stuff. But with a Really Cool And Not Too Expensive New Ingredient spot every ep, focusing on (for instance) vinegars, cheeses, etc.

This entry was originally posted at You may comment there or here, although LJ tends to have a livelier conversation at this time.

food, top chef, video, online

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