This is the state things have degenerated to in our country:A 59-year-old man has been jailed in Gastonia, N.C., on charges of larceny after allegedly robbing an RBC Bank for $1 so he could get health care in prison. Richard James Verone handed a female teller a note demanding the money and claiming that he had a gun, according to the police report.
He then sat down and waited for police to arrive. "… I say, 'I'll be sitting right over here, on the chair, waiting for the police,'" Verone told reporters, recalling the June 9 robbery in an interview from Gaston County Jail.
And wait for the police, he did.
"He's sitting on the sofa as you walk in the front door," the bank teller said in a 911 call.
Police arrested Verone where he sat. He was unarmed.
Bankers have obscene profits and golden parachutes.
Members of Congress and their cronies have superb health care, paid for by us.
The insurance companies make money hand over fist.
And the rest of us are just fuckin' hosed.
To the point where it seems like a very reasonable, even responsible, choice to get yourself arrested for armed robbery, if only you can get the care you need.
We need single payer, and we need it NOW. We need the insurance companies, leeching off the country and doing nothing except taking money as middlemen, to go away NOW. We need the motherfuckers who broke our economy in prison, and we need it NOW. We need their too-big-to-fail banks to fuckin' FAIL, because if we can then by FSM they can.
Yeah, I know none of it's practical, and none of it will happen.
Fuck that.
If it doesn't happen eventually, our nation is doomed.