Hugo Award Nominations

Apr 24, 2011 19:52

Sometime over the next several hours, you will hear the world's loudest SQUEEEEEE from out California way.

That's because our darling, seanan_mcguire, has been nominated for a Hugo award in the Best Novel category with her pseudonymous Feed (by "Mira Grant ( Read more... )

awesome, books, hugo, conventions, friends

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markbernstein April 25 2011, 00:52:58 UTC
I won't be eligible to vote this year, so I don't know how many nominees I'll read or watch.

Feed is the only fiction nominee I've read, and it deserves the nom.

In Dramatic Presentation: Long Form, I've seen all of them except Scott Pilgrim (I do have a DVD, but haven't gotten to it yet), and my choice would be Inception.

In DP: Short Form, "Fuck Me, Ray Bradbury" is an OK joke, but hardly deserving of nomination. I haven't yet seen "The Lost Thing". Of the three Doctor Who episodes, I think "The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang" is clearly the best. (Hell, just watching the recap last night before the season opener, I choked up a little at "Raggedy man, I remember you, and you are LATE for my WEDDING!")

I'm currently halfway through the Heinlein biography that was nominated in Related Work, and liking it a lot.

Graphic Story is tough. Much as I love Girl Genius, Phil and Kaja have won two years in a row now, and I'd like to see Willingham and Buckingham get some recognition for their work on Fables. And Unwritten is also very good. I haven't read Grandville, Mon Amour, and given that it's Bryan Talbot, it might just blow me away.


filkertom April 25 2011, 13:21:48 UTC
For various reasons, I was way behind on Doctor Who. I just saw the double ep yesterday. It was astonishing. And I loved the bit you invoke. :D


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