Sarah Palin's phrase that pays. (A different write-up at
dKos, with different links.)
The other day, I swore to not get into any violent rhetoric, not that I ever got into much besides wanting to smack a few people in the heads. And I shall continue that. But I think a few choice insults are applicable here.
To wit: Sarah Palin is a grotesque, offensive, attention-grabbing fool with delusions of competence. I would not trust her to handle any more responsibility than that of a diner waitress, and not a senior one. She is shallow and fatuous on her best days, violence-prone and violent-minded on her worst. Yet now that she's being called on her unique contributions to our national discourse she's doing her best to not only
scrub the evidence but to make herself out to somehow be a victim.
The victims were the people shot and killed Saturday. The victims are the dead and wounded and their families.
And to invoke "
blood libel" in the attempted murder of a Jew is obscene.
Andy Warhol was, unfortunately, wrong. Sarah Palin's fifteen minutes were up long ago. But, as the saying goes, "How can I miss you if you won't go away?"