
Nov 15, 2010 14:52

I go to a lot of great conventions. But I have a very special relationship with two excellent cons, MillenniCon and Dragon*Con. (Dragon and I had a few bumps here and there, but I think we're past all that.) They pull out all the stops for me, knowing that I will be a good guest for them. I pull out all the stops for them, trying to make them look as being brilliant for having me. The overall effect has been great for both of our reputations.

And then there's WindyCon.




That was possibly the most fun I've had at a con in years.

I didn't get to all the music, but I did hear about all of it, and the reports were glowing. Alex and s00j and Betsy were amazing. Heather Dale was amazing. Dr. Mary was amazing. All the damn music was amazing. The con staff, especially Xap and Rachel and Lizzie of course, were amazing. All of my friends were and are amazing, and a lot of you are reading this now, so you know who you are (and extra hugs for Phil and Helen, who I didn't have the chance to spend as much time with.)

Toyboat and Amy and Debbie were amazingly amazing. (The TomBoat concert had a few minor stumbles, mostly from me, but I do believe we pulled it off.)

My set at the Masquerade was tremendous. I wasn't recording, because I had no charged batteries; if by chance anyone has audio or video of it, please contact me.

I made a little money, had a gazillion hugs, and was part of a thousand-person Oh Yeah on Sunday when we realized we weren't particularly tired or conned-out at all.

Carol and Mike Resnick both came up to me, asking when my concerts were. Jim Hines and I had a chance to catch up, and I met his lovely family. Animal X told me that her teenaged daughter didn't listen to filk, "even though we have a lot of your stuff" (glow glow), but after the Masquerade set, "now she's in love". Said daughter and her friend came up later and introduced themselves, and they were great. Lots of other people did the same, including Dave Perry, who I heard briefly at the open filk on Friday and who sounded incredible.

Several members of the con-com, including this year's chair Vlad and next year's chair Richard, personally thanked me, and I personally thanked them, and do so again publicly right here, because everybody went above and beyond the call.

I go to a lot of great conventions. But I have a very special relationship with two excellent cons, MillenniCon and Dragon*Con.

To which we now add a third.


awesome, conventions, music, filk, friends

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