OVFF, Part 3

Oct 25, 2010 09:00

Stopped at Dunkin Donuts for bagels before I went back to the con. (No garlic! Whassup wit dat?) Got there with a few minutes to spare for the noon panel, Promoting Your Music Online. I think s00j and I did a pretty good job, actually. We had good questions from the audience, and natural examples just led into each other, and it was fun and informative and I think we all got some new ideas.

Then I spent a little bit of time with Gundo of Toyboat and Amy McNally (and later Hope Dundas and Debbie Gates). We were doing some serious work on "Dervish" for the Tomboat concert at WindyCon. You can listen to how we did, complete with glitches -- I couldn't remember my own damn words. (The file's about 15 MB, by the way.) I don't believe Hope was playing on this cut, because there's no way to miss that lovely saxophone. :)

Then I talked to Martha about a project she's working on, and then Janet and I went off to lunch at SushiKo. Serviceable tempura with miso soup and salad, although a bit sweet (and not much umph to the ginger dressing). The sushi must've been superb, though -- Janet cleaned the plate. I sometimes wish I had the sushi gene.

Then I went back to the hotel room for a nap. Woke up around 7:10, got back to the hotel around 7:30.

I'd been told about the Dead Dog in the Con Suite; I didn't know there was an even bigger jam in the main space. Never got over there, because I never left the Con Suite. :) Mitch and TJ, the Ropers, Juanita, Stevie Mac and Katy, Ghost Of A Rose, UT, Alan Thiesen, Tom and Sue Jeffers, Dave and Judith Hayman, Will Frank, bunches of folks. We had a pretty fine time, and more people kept coming in -- Renee Alper, Vixy and Tony, Kathleen Sloan, just freakin' wonderful.

Along the way, I did a few songs I don't often do, as well as a (by request from TJ) room-blasting version of "Rocket Ride". You guys know I don't preen much, but, really, when the crowd is as hot as we all were, Pee Wee Herman could sing that song and sound like Roger Daltrey. And I played back-up for Renee on "The Ballad Of Godzilla", and when Will and a couple of his buds sang a Soviet-based political folk song that just happened to use the same melody as the Tetris theme, I started miming blocks falling from the sky, and then Tony came over with his "controller" and I started rotating and sliding from side to side, and there was schtick and silly and serious and folk and rock and hugs and just a fine, fine time.

I pulled out of there about midnight. I could've gone longer, but I really wanted some sleep before I got on the road. Which I'm just about to do. :)

There will be commissioned music worked on this week, and some concerts uploaded finally, and I hope a little downtime on Wednesday or so.

How's your week looking?

food, conventions, music, filk, friends

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