100 watts and a wire

Apr 01, 2018 21:24

Probably the best weekend of radio that I've had this year. I don't get to operate much in the winter, since I have no home shack and the weather's been kind of crap and too cold to sit outside.

But this weekend, it's been good and even though there's family all around because of Passover, I wanted to spend some time on the air. All told, it was pretty good. Not a lot of QSOs -- only 11 -- but I was pretty pleased with the ones I got. I got my first contacts with Estonia and Greece (hoping they confirm on LOTW, because that'll give me 2 more towards DXCC). Also I also had contacts with Barbados, Bulgaria, Paraguay, Slovenia, and Switzerland. I've worked the all of those countries before (although the Slovenian station never uploads to LOTW).

Propagation was pretty good. I was able to hear stations in Japan and Australia as well. I couldn't make contact with them, though, because there was a huge pileup (when many stations try to make the same contact all at once), but even being able to hear either of those two is new for me.

Most of my contacts this weekend were morse code, with a few by voice.

It was fun. And I'm looking forward to getting out onto the trail with a radio soon!

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