General catchup post 1 -- snowboarding!

Jan 24, 2018 10:45

As mentioned previously, I'm here in Jackson, Wyoming with my girlfriend. Sadly, I don't have the time off and I have to work during the week (which kind of sucks because I'm working NY hours and our daily scrum is at 9am eastern, which is 7am here). On the other hand, in meant that on Sunday I got to go snowboarding for the first time in 2 years.

Because it's been so warm here, the snow has been iffy, honestly, at least at Snow King. (There's absolutely no terrain easy enough for me at the Mountain and it's far more expensive). It's all man-made, really, and even the groomers are kind of dodgy. My knees HURT from falling down (and I had one turn where my board slid out from under me and I went a good 50 years yards sliding on my butt until I could dig in enough to stop. I clearly need to put more time in. My toeside turns suck and my heelside turns don't exist.

Of course, on *Monday* it snowed all day and all night and yesterday was sunny and 25F and it would have been *perfect*

I'm hoping to get back on my board on Saturday, but it's not a sure thing. It's 36F here in Jackson today, which means that things will thaw and then freeze and it'll be the same mess it was last weekend.

Still...good to be back on my board!

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This entry was originally posted on my Dreamwidth journal. Please comment there as I am no longer reading comments here.

snowboarding, jackson, travel

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