Welcome to my journal!

Dec 31, 2037 23:59

Hi there! You've found my journal! There's a fair amount here that's for public consumption, and also a fair amount that's not. In order to read the stuff that's not "public" you'll need to be what DW/LJ call a "friend" -- it's something that I designated.

I'm not too strict about it, though, so if you'd like to read more than the public postings, then leave a comment here. I believe you'll need a DW or LJ account for me to allow you access, but they're easy to get. If I don't know you and you aren't sure if I'll recognize who you are, then you should let me know who you are. You're also welcome to email me at filkerdave @ [ dreamwidth.org / livejournal.com ] with more info.

Hope to see you!

ETA: I am no longer reading or commenting on the LJ side. I will still be crossposting for the foreseeable future but comments on those new posts on the LJ side are disabled. Please come join me on Dreamwidth!

DW comments

This entry was originally posted on my Dreamwidth journal. Please comment there as I am no longer reading comments here.

dw, lj, me

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