Word of the Day - edify

Jun 26, 2008 13:56

Main Entry: ed·i·fy
Pronunciation: \ˈe-də-ˌfī\ Function: transitive verb Inflected Form(s): ed·i·fied; ed·i·fy·ing Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French edifier, from Late Latin & Latin; Late Latin aedificare to instruct or improve spiritually, from Latin, to erect a house, from aedes temple, house; akin to Old English ād funeral pyre, Latin aestas summer Date: 14th century
1archaic a: build b: establish
2: to instruct and improve especially in moral and religious knowledge : uplift; also : enlighten, inform

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"We have to do or change ... to edify our relationship, not break it down"

Now I get the word and its full meaning.  So many changes that I have to go through to edify myself resulting in an enlightened self.  It is time to put old ways behind and finally grow up.  I have been playing this game for too long that I have become one with the game.  Time to  move on to another chapter in life.  It is time to rectify my thoughts and actions or inactions.

- Liza Mae

edify, definition

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