Just bored. Bored of everything. Bored of life. Yeah. Jeez, I miss Marie. What's the point? We live, we grow old, we die. And nobody remembers us. Yeah, um, that's all. Bye.
Oh and swiped from Sis. Well not really swiped, becuase it asked but . . . *sigh* What the hell ever.
01. Name:
02. Age:
03. Where on earth do you live:
Read more... )
And now, because it's [art of your post:
01. Name: Diane
02. Age: 23
03. Where on earth do you live: Washington State
04. What makes you happy: Making my friends happy
05. What have you been listening to lately: Whatever plays on my iPod
06. Do you enjoy reading my LJ: It varies, really
07. If so, why: Can't think of anything to write
08. Interesting fact about you: Interesting? Depends on what people find interesting...
09. Are you in love at the moment: No....stop reminding me
10. Favourite destination: Uwajimaya/Kinokuniya, Seattle
11. Favourite quote: "I am me." -Who do you think?
12. Will you post this in your LJ: If I feel like it
You know what I find interesting. Give me an interesting fact.
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