Aug 21, 2004 00:04
annonymous: hey im sorry we cant be friends nemore ur nothing but a backstabbing bitch
Sarahbara121: what?
annonymous: u heard my we cant be friends nemore
Sarahbara121: we're merely aquantences as it is anymore, what are you talking about?
(like how i changed the name?haha) Yup, that was the whole conversation, quite nice coming from someone I havent hung out w/ in over a year huh? Part of me might think it was someone screwing cause she never is on the s/n anymore it came from...The last time we talked was when I was in mass. I was congratulating her for making Avante Garde (im such a bitch right?) OH WELL! I had a horrible night last night, that just topped it off , the only good part was getting smoothies w/ Mr Kurtis...(thank you) it sucked that I looked like shit from crying and massive sunburn....I definatly cried myself to sleep last night, got to sleep bout 1:30, maybe I shouldnt let ppl get to me, I wasnt crying about that ^^ im so over that...but maybe friendships with some people just dont mean anything anymore, I guess thats what happens when some people get guys and forget whats important. whatever. I feel like I'm just at a low right now in life, me and Casey talked last night, I'm really happy me and her talked things out and are back to normal, it's been weird the way we were growing apart, hopefully it'll get better. I've been hanging out with Kayla alot lately, we've gotton alot closer. Yesterday we went surfing....the waves were about um a foot big, woo hoo lol it sucked, but yeah. Today I babysat till 5:30, better than working though. I went to me and Kaylas lake last night to think about things, clear my head, maybe I should have though cause I started thinking about EVERYTHING and that just got me more upset, I guess I shouldnt go there w/out Kayla or I completly let loose lol I hope life gets better soon, I could use an up. I wanna find someone special, friendship....could turn into more? Got somethin in mind, who knows what will happen with that though, probably nothing with my luck. I saw my first shooting star the other night, I was on the phone w/ Kurt and we were looking at stars and I just saw one, it was really neato. And I saw my first dolphins in water yesterday, also cool. Me brandy and zach were supposed to go bowling the other night, or last night i dunno, but brandy is dumb lol so yeah, all done talking, does anyone actually read this?