Nov 08, 2008 14:50
If you're within range and haven't yet, TOTALLY come see Macbeth tonight. It's fucking awesome. The director did a kickass job. There is no way I'm going to be able to live up to that next semester (but you should come see it anyway). Shakespeare Troupe is just so amazing...
It's parents' weekend. Which means there are parents and siblings crawling all over campus, which is weird. I like seeing the parents though... they're not the same as each other. At my sister's school, all the parents look the same. Here, they're all different. Such a variety of backgrounds and personalities and quirkiness.... it's so cool! Sometimes the parents just *look* intelligent, but sometimes they're totally "normal", and sometimes they look like upper-class high-culture citizens overseeing the institution into which they've placed their child, and other times they're just parents glad to see their daughter. I love it. It makes me happy to see SO many different types of people, all of whom have in some way created a Mawrter (or two). While the students here all of something that brings us together as kinswomen, the parents are definitely not anywhere near the same boats. I love it. I do wish my parents would come up, but whatever.
I don't actually have any pressing homework right now, which is a weird feeling. But it means I have to actually clean my room (note how I am updating livejournal instead) and possibly do laundry. Or learn my lines. Or, if I had money or transportation, I could go shopping (I am almost out of Pepsi *panic*).
I lost my train of thought. In general, I love Bryn Mawr. And SPT.
The 'cutest couple' thread on ACB took an interesting turn for roughly 15-20 posts, in which there was lots of SPT pimping, talk about how fabulous SPT-cest is, and oh by the way MK and Hillary need to suck it up and be friends again and stop causing drama. Which was amusing and upsetting at the same time... I hate that this is still affecting friendships. I think most people have sort of adapted to it, but that's ridiculous. No one should have to 'adapt' to two of their friends fighting. And it's not like it was a break-up since we never dated. But... I'd do anything to be friends with her again, but since this tangent, she makes even LESS eye contact with me than normal. ARGHHHHH.
And in the real world, OBAMA-RAMA-DING-DONG!! *giddy dance of joy and joyness and candy and love* I can't believe it. *I* helped change the world. My very first Presidential election, and I helped elect the first black President. I helped break that glass ceiling. I can't wait to tell my children. I did it. I did.
Unfortunately, I was foreward-thinking enough to be checking the "local ballot measure" thing on CNN, and to know about Arizona, Arkansas, California, and Florida early enough that I didn't get to be elated for long about Obama. I don't understand why it's 2008 and we're still legalizing discrimination. It hurts because there is NOTHING I could have done to prevent any of it. I couldn't even vote. Arizona is less than surprising. But I don't understand why it's even a question. What are you so afraid of?
Melissa Etheridge wrote a great article on how, if she's a second-class citizen, she doesn't have to pay her taxes like a first-class citizen. But while it's funny, and I commend her if she does, it's not a real solution. California at least still allows all the same rights to homosexual couples, but doesn't call it "marriage." Which is a hell of a lot better than disallowing us from *anything*. But... doesn't that sound a lot like "separate but equal"? Which... fails. I mean, I'd rather have "separate but equal" than nothing. But.... this is 2008. Welcome to the 21st century! Helloooooooooo. I am a person. I pay my taxes. I love, I hurt, I learn. I feel like the "Hath not a Jew..." speach from Merchant of Venice would work well here. In fact, here I go:
He hath disgraced me, and
hindered me half a million; laughed at my losses,
mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my
bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine
enemies; and what's his reason? I am a Gay. Hath
not a Gay eyes? hath not a Gay hands, organs,
dimensions, senses, affections, passions? fed with
the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject
to the same diseases, healed by the same means,
warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as
a Hetero is? If you prick us, do we not bleed?
if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison
us, do we not die? and if you love us, shall we not
marry? If we are like you in the rest, we will
resemble you in that. If a Gay love a Hetero,
what is his humility? Marriage. If a Hetero
wrong a Gay, what should his sufferance be by
Hetero example? Why, marriage. The love you
teach me, I will execute, and it shall go hard but I
will better the instruction.
Ok so some of it doesn't quite work, but it's something.
I have a lot more to say but not the energy to say it. Just, please. ARGH. I want to marry the person I love most, whatever hir gender.
I don't understand why that's such a threat to your "family values." When was monogamy a bad thing? Maybe you should be tighter on divorce laws. Maybe you should let people who want children to be able to have them (ARKANSAS. WTF.), especially since they can't have them on their own and you're forcing lots of incapable parents to bring their children to term anyway, and the parents who condone abstinence-only sex-ed are too busy raising their 16-yr-old's children for them, and won't want to adopt someone else's mistake.
I am pro-life, with a lot of "buts." But I recognize that if I'm going to be pro-life, I have to allow as many people as possible to adopt children, while keeping them out of the hands of child-traffickers. Which INCLUDES HOMOSEXUAL COUPLES. Queers are people too. Please.
Apologies for incoherence, I get very riled up and offended and ... yeah... when talking about this. I'm done. Good night!