The beaten wolf strives for her lonevity. Howl for your re-birth!

Feb 18, 2005 02:14

Geeze, I haven't ranted in a good while. Well, let's get things started... I hate being a human. I hate having a very developed/complex mind. Why can't I just be a well-behaved house pup. Some of you are going "What the hell? Why be a dog? They're dumb, smelly, blah blah blah". But that's your view of things, I believe that what someone doesn't know, will not hurt them. Yeah so what if I'll be someone's bitch, if they love me and will even mourn after my death... then why not? I would rather have a nice pat on the head and maybe a milkbone, instead of having complex feelings about the harsh reality we live in. I would not have to go to school. I would care less about minor things such as money, sex, power, the things that humans try to achieve in their lives. I mean, yeah I probably would want puppies [-giggle-], but if one spays me, then there's nothing to worry about! I know dogs can be dominate, but I'll be as passive as a priest. I wouldn't want to harm anyone, unless I have to. Other than that, I'll live in my quiet little world, only worrying about what time I'm going to be fed, and where is the tennis ball I buried last week.

It's hard trying to smile, when no one says "You look cute with that smile."
It's hard being happy the way I am when no one tells me "Stay who you are."
It's hard being happily single when ALL, and this time I really do mean it, ALL of my friends are either going with someone, or friends with a tad bit of benefits.
It's hard having courage to go on, when no one is cheering for me.

Isn't it funny when you are basically ignored when your friend's other-half is there?
Demo! Others would disagree and say "You are not being ignored! What are you talking about?"
Oh dear fool. I can tape what goes on. The same close, "relationship" bullshit. Okay, I will not lie, whenever I'll get a boyfriend [Some say in the next generation or so] I will be by his side; although, I will not leave my friends just hanging, when they are single. I would not 'strengthen' the bonds of my relationship while they are there. Isn't that just wrong?

GOD. What also pisses me off is that I really do not mind relationships, infact, if you are happy go for it. But to the point in where you actually ridicule someone about being in a relationship, hating them up and down... and then once you're in a relationship, you do the same things that you, before could not stand. Geebus such hypocrites. I know, I am one too. But, just common curtosey.

I wish I was away from here. I would not mind being alone, because in some ways, I am now. =)

^_^ Now that being said, I am glad that I am strong. I am not really depressed, I am just thinking.
x__x I am just happy that my only lover is... FINAL FANTASY TACTICS.
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