Apr 25, 2004 00:39
so i'm guessing its another one of those days where i really don't want to write at all or say much for that matter. You see, on days like these, those sort of things don't really matter. but it's okay, i'll try my best to not sound irrational whatsoever. (Winston does nothing and he bothers the hell out of me)
today in april, i heard the following comments, by random people i would have never ever met unless i was at the place i was at such percise timing: "i am clearing six fifty a week." "before, we'll thats just before." "now the porn industry is shutting down because two of their actors got aids"
because of all this, i sneezed more than eight times (counted) in less than two minutes, thats more than thirty eight liquid bacteria produced by nasal congestions.
Lots of noise i mean, and we all know how much everyone values the quiet. Quiet that some people will pay more than seventeen thousand dollars to make thicker windows for their houses so that the noise outside doesn't wake them. They say their china rattles when big trucks drive by; then and only then they have to stop talking.
Yesterday was that day where i don't remember how i got to anywhere i went. I assume i must have been sleepwalking and thankfully i'm not dead yet. I guess it could be worse.
I saw a particular person come and start touching merchandise set aside, maybe because he thinks he looks cool working undercover and checking wires. but i think its all just a show, he is lying and he is probably dead on someones list of surprise appearances to happen.
A modern fix of short term memory is in need indeed. More artificial mood enhancers, or as us users would like to call it...softeners. bleach, hand soap, coffe, only the essential. And for my top favorite things in my case. jeans, the smell of #2 pencils, coffee, sex, music, drugs, a canvas, the smell of books, cologne, nice belts, tits, shitty manifestos, the word "hola" and "tocame", tongues, good tattoos, old people, teeth cracking, the smell of gasoline, and of course, the sound of a head hitting the concrete. Dont blame me. fuck off.
someone called you someone's reproductive organ? i'd take muriatic acid, worms, spikes, guns, arms, 4% blindness, and an alcohol level of 3.9, to let that one slide, but fuck it; then he asked where he could find the big larva book. Then he told me to watch the door so that no one leaves with things they havent paid for. yeah because i am a crime stopper, fucking crickets man.
Larva? larva will grow in your gums. It only takes them two weeks to fully reach their growth. In a place as warm as your gums, it will take them only hours until they chew through your teeth.
And trust me, im sure that bridesmaid won't like that idea at all...but then again, she has nothing to complain about. In about 16 minutes and exactly 28 seconds the jealous ex-lover will show and start a cold bloody massacre. Yes, we are talking bloody scalps, ripped fingernails, sliced tongues, etc. But lets not worry about that just yet, we'll get to them later. For now lets focus on my sneezing. By now the show is over and the look has gone away, you see what happened is this....i found drugs on the floor.