Jun 11, 2006 23:18
Well, lucky for me, I don't have finals tomorrow... Instead, I get to wake up early to get my brother on the bus tomorrow morning, complete a scholarship application, start getting my teacher appreciation gifts in order, and start writing up the last round of senior spotlights. Oh yeah, I'm looking to have some mad fun Monday night with peoples. I just hope my speech is done before then.
Currently, I'm taking a break from speech-writing (aka getting teary-eyed over the emotional parts now so I don't do so onstage on Friday). While most of the juniors are asleep now in hopes of acing their finals that begin tomorrow, I figure I'll write on who amongst them has impacted my life. As much as I'd want to write an entry for each of them, I lack the time. So here they are...
Hye-won Cha - She organized the chamber group that's kept me entertained for the past few weeks. She kicks major ass at violin, and rightfully deserves to be a part of the All-State Orchestra next year.
Eric English - The dude's a beast in a very good way. Not only intelligent, he's very athletic with a musical touch on jazz piano and is humble about it all. If he doesn't follow his brother to Harvard next year, then the Apocalypse is one step closer to happening.
Alvaro Gonzalez - After taking him back and forth to soccer practice many times this season, I've definitely appreciated life for what it is and have much respect for him. On Saturdays, he works at the train station from 5:30 AM until 3:30 PM to help provide for his family. He would take a few hours in-between his shift to go to soccer practice and then found the energy to continue work afterwards. If you're not impressed, you have no soul.
Chrissy Scott - As an active leader amongst the junior class, you've been involved in a lot of the school's successful events. Keep the Catholic pride as the Pope is definitely our homeboy!
Shawn Cotton - I've known him since I was a freshman when we sat at the back of the bus together. The carpools for the following two years were always entertaining, and it's been great knowing him. Stay chill.
THE REST OF THE VARSITY SOCCER TEAM - If you remember the speech I gave at the soccer banquet, then well, I still mean everything I said then. Thanks for all the good times you've given me. Viva la FIFA!
ALL THE JUNIORS INVOLVED IN THE CHAMBER GROUP - Your love of music and dedication are what made us sound great. I've enjoyed every moment of it. Thank you so much for having me.
Dan Depodwin - In addition to being a part of the chamber group, you have become the leading example for the jazz band and concert band. It's been fun working with you at Kings, and I can't wait to see you forecasting the weather on TV in the near future.
Zooey Purdy - For your birthday last year, I bought you a shirt that reads, "Don't hate me because I'm awesome!" It still describes you quite effectively. Keep climbing to new heights.
Hanson Gong - Simply put, you've got a lot going for you. Thanks for auditioning for region jazz this year with me, and may your Ivy League dreams get farther than mine did.
Neha Dubli - I definitely regret only getting to know you just a few months ago. I appreciate you being my prom date as you have a charming personality. You too have a lot going for you. So may your dreams of saving lives as Dr. Dubli become a reality in due time. Oh yeah, if you apply to, get into, and decide to go to JHU, that'd be sweet!
Tanya Dainoski - Well, there's one reason why I'll never forget you. You also though are quite a unique individual and a great actress and singer to boot. It'll definitely be interesting to see where life takes you in the future.
Chris Hill - It was fun having you as a roommate on the VA trip. Stay curious about the what may seem absurd to the apathetic eye.
Zach First - I swear, Texas must be exporting its citizens to NJ. Hah, jk. In any case, having physics with you in my class was chill. Relay for Life was a blast hanging with you from like 3-7AM that evening. Enjoy senior year.
Allissa Cembrook - She epitomizes the three B's. If you don't know what I mean, ask me elsewhere. Continue being an awesome drum-major and pole-vaulter and may you have continued success wherever you go. Definitely keep in touch with me.
So to follow the pattern, I now wish to spotlight one junior who's made a significant impact on my life. I've known her for awhile and have shared a number of good times with her. So without further ado the junior I wish to spotlight is...
So Brittan, do you remember how we first met? I do. At the Halloween dance my sophomore year, when I first showed up, I didn't see any of my friends there in typical fashion. I didn't let it phase me too much as I ran into Christine Snow. After talking with her for a bit, she noticed you with Kyle DeGhetto and ran over to you two in a state of excitement. I figured that I had to find out what about you two excited her so much, so when I came over, Christine made the introductions. You and I chatted for a bit, and I realized quickly that you were a very chill person. After the dance, we went to the Thirsty Turtle with Kyle, Katie McShane, and Megan Orbine, where we all talked about a bunch of humorous things, including funny Halloween costumes for next year like a black guy's condom, haha. (If you weren't there, you have no idea of what the hell we were talking about, lol.)
Speaking of random conversations, do you remember anything that was said on the bus ride back from the Key Club trip to Six Flags last year? I forget it all, but I remember feeling like I got to know you a lot better that day, and you introduced me to Zooey that day too.
In any case, you and I have made a tradition of stopping at the Thirsty Turtle after school events. After the Halloween Dance and Homecoming my junior year, I believe we hung out there for awhile. After the Katrina Dance last year, we stopped there and you let me vent my frustrations I was having with Noah at the time. Once the Key Club Student-Faculty game ended, you and I were planning on heading over there with Zooey and Scott Rand, but instead, we trailed Tom Stuart and crew for awhile as I almost got into my first accident that evening with you sitting in the back seat. That evening was fun taking you back home after dropping Scott off as we adventurers took the long way back to Pottersville, exploring all the random sheds that we could find.
Yet as often as you've been there for me, I've done what I've could as a friend to be there for you. When people were giving you nothing but crap in school, I remember hanging with you at PCJ on a rainy afternoon before your train came where I just let you vent all your anger regarding the people at BHS. The day that Jeff came to visit, I had never seen you happier and had a blast hanging with you two, Tanya, and Jeff's friend, Pierre, as we went to Friendly's and other random places in town. And even when you were bored that one day at the beginning of last summer, we spontaneously planned an outing, cruising the mall, spending a few bucks at Borders and just driving around that breezy, full-moon of a night.
You've always wondered why I've never minded taking you home. Well, you've let me say what's on my mind without fear of being seen as crazy or hated for my views. And basically, you're a fantastic friend to get to know.
So Brittan, may we stay in touch for a long time. If anyone ever messes with you next year, I'm just a phone call or IM away. You've been a great friend, and I'll miss you dearly.
PS - My graduation party is at my house on June 17th from 2 - 6. I'm basically inviting all my friends and anyone else that wants to come. The way I figure it, the more the merrier. If you're interested, let me know ahead of time or pleasantly surprise me and just show up.