Nov 01, 2007 14:09
Life has been very much par for the course lately, hence the extreme lack of updates. Well, I guess that my laziness and apathy might have something to do with it, but we'll just keep that between you and me....
Work has been going well. I'm done training the gal I was talking about in the last update, for good or ill. She is off on her own now, doing a magnificently craptastic job. Hopefully that doesn't reflect too badly on me... I don't imagine it will, I've trained other people who are doing just fine ;)
The watch assignment list for 2008 has been released, and I'm being traded! I'm on 4-Watch now, and after the new year I'll be heading to 2-Watch. I realize that means just a little bit less than nothing to anyone reading this, so I'll break it down: I'm going to be working with a lot of MUCH cooler co-workers, but I'll have to work Christmas again :/ It's kind of a trade off though, and I can handle that. Lynz and I will just have to juggle again next year like we're going to this year.
SPEAKING of Lynz, she's doing just fine too, tyvm. She's working, she's finally starting to get her thyroid issues in order, and things are going just swimmingly :)
We (Lynz and I) have set up (finally!) a dinner for us, her folks, and my mum and stepdad-ish-guy. We're going to The Vines restaurant in Cole Harbour next week, which is just about the best Italian place in the HRM. I figure if Lynz's folks can handle my old man and CC, then there should be no issues at all with them meeting my mum and Luc. Time will tell ;)
I've got 2 parties to attend tomorrow night. Yeah, tough life, I know, haha. First, Lynz and I are going to a post-Hallowe'en party (I will be going as Hunter S Thompson, Lynz will be going as.... um.... Hunter S Thompson's long-suffering girlfriend, I guess), after which I've got a going-away pub-crawl to hook up with for a good friend of mine who is moving to Korea.
With any luck, my next update will be a photo-post ;)