Happy Anniversary, Jim!
How can it be 26 years since I was accused of robbing the cradle?
If anyone here does *not* recognize the huge presence Tyr has in my life, you just aren't paying attention!!
Watch for his shadow on the grass
let it pass
To left and right, stand clear!
This is The Buyer of The Blade,
be afraid --
This is the great god Tyr... (Kipling)
Undonne, the magical wordsmith...
Tir - Victory, leadership, success over other competitors, increase in finances, virility and passion.Present
Berkana - Growth, abundance, fertility, Mother Earth, protection, the zenith of an idea or situation.Future
Eihwaz - Banishing magick, removal of obstacles and delays, invoking foresight, clearing up hidden issues and situations.
Cast the runes here:
Rune Caster