Jan 29, 2011 14:17
humanity will continue to get sicker and sicker every year until we try to remove all the heavy metals from our diet. we get sick with sooooooo many more weird diseases than our ancestors did; you know what else they didnt have? the industrial revolution! heavy metals are more and more prevalent in the american diet every decade since then, and eventually we are going to pay for that progress....with our health. well, we are, is really my point. because that stuff seeps into your BRAIN, the fact that most americans have been injected with aluminum since birth - just think of how many weird things that might do to a newborn in his lifetime? now, we combine the heavier levels of metals in foods and other things that make its way into the bloodstream with a low-fiber, typical american diet and you get a recipe for complete disaster. that stuff just builds and builds. the only way to get most of it out is to eat organic, eat mostly fruits, nuts and vegetables and supplement for metal removal daily, and who does that?
think thats probably more true about history as an entirety: you can either live harmoniously and organically with your environment and live a low key life and be completely self sustainable, or you can tear shit up in the name of "progress", have shopping malls and eventually just run out of gas as a society. sadly, most societies are the latter, and we are living in one right now.