Wow it still hasnt become real. Im still trying to grasp the whole idea that I am now a father and responsible for someone other than my wife and I. I went to work today at 5 and worked till 9, but it seemed like forever. All I wanted to do was get back with my family. After work I went to the hospital to check on my women. When I got there Pranee gave me her to change. Shoosh it was like a bucket full of Molassases fell in her britches. Im just REALLY excited right now and happy. God is so wonderful. I think my ladies are coming home tomorrow after i get off work. So that will be really exciting.
Pranee was up and walking around all day yesterday and today. She looks really good. Im really excited about having them back home. I've been staying till like 12:30 at night the last two nights. When I get home I miss them so much. But tomorrow will be a good day. I have to go to work in the morning till 5:30 then her dad and I will go pick them up I think. Well here are some pictures from todays events.
Also thanks so much for all of you encouraging emails and gifts. You guys have been a blessing to us. We love all of you. Thanks.
She likes to sleep lots and lots.
Mommy giving Hannah a bath
Daddy trying to give Hannah a bath.
sleepy sleepy sleepy
No her name isnt Janelle, thats the midwife's name